The story of Ryan White made a huge impact on the world and still resonates with many to this day. I decided to speak to some of our staff here at Matthew 25 about Ryan's life, many of them stating that they believe he had some influence in their decision to work at Matthew 25. Hear are some words they shared with me.
"For me his story has always had an impact but I think seeing his exhibit at the children’s museum in Indy made a greater impact. I was able to take my son there and show him Ryan white’s life and explain to him what he went through and how it helps influence what I do now and our lives today. Any time I hear his mom speak I think of how hard she fought for her son and it brings me to tears. In a time where no one would listen to anyone because it was thought to be a gay man’s disease, she fought for her son and everyone to get the things they need. Ryan is the reason our patients have health care, health insurance, and so much more."
"I was 11 when the made for T.V. movie came out. I related to it so much because we weren't far in age and, we were both from Indiana so it was easy for me to put myself in his shoes. I remember watching it and thinking I can't believe that people are treating him so horribly! Especially the adults. It just broke my heart. He was just a kid. I went to the museum and saw his locker and it made me so sad. I think it does have something to do with why I am working at Matthew 25. It made me have a care and compassion for others. Also, I always thought Ryan White was very cute and it made me sad that (at that time) he wasn’t going to be able to get married or have kids. I honestly just remember how much I thought about him missing out on young love and all that. I see him as a hero for the state of Indiana."
"I was an in college when Ryan White passed away. In fact is was a month before my College graduation that he died. I remember reading about him in the newspaper and seeing him on TV. It was heart breaking to see how people treated him. I just remember feeling very sad that a teenage boy was being treated so unfairly. Growing up in the 80’s I remember when HIV was such a scary topic. As a teen I remember feeling afraid and unsure of what HIV/AIDS would hold for our world in the future. I like to think that witnessing Ryan White’s life unfold made me a more compassionate and opened person."
"Ryan inspired me by his strength to overcome adversity. When Matthew 25 began, I had to go through protesters to get from parking lot into the building. I will admit it was frightening. I would tell myself, 'If that young boy can face school with all the hate, I can walk through this to do what needs to be done' Each time I became stronger."
The Ryan White Foundation has been a huge supporter of Matthew 25 AIDS Services for many years. We are so thankful and have so much gratitude for all that they do. Ryan White was an inspiration to many and his story continues to live on in our halls as we work day in and day out to educate, support, and treat those living with and affected by HIV. We will end the stigma.